/*Turn on desktop mode*
Hey Girl!
I don’t know if it was you who stole my heart,
or just your smile.
// The moment I saw you
A spark ignited in my soul,
and it hasn't gone out.
// Your face, your laugh, all magic.
You're like the rarest algorithm,
impossible to decode, but beautiful.
// A mystery I’ll never solve.
As time passed, my feelings grew,
from "Hey" to "I think of you constantly".
// You’re on my mind more than my code.
You're the variable I never saw coming,
the bug I never want to fix.
// No algorithm can stop this feeling.
Our connection is a never-ending loop,
each cycle bringing us closer.
// Our love is recursive.

All I want to say is:
I might not know your favorite ice cream,
but I know I’ll love you forever.
// The only thing I need to know—your heart.

If you want to hug me,
just click on this heart.
// Click, and we’re closer.

वर्षा ऋतु FOREVER
"Can we be friends, nothing more, ever?"connect🫴🏻
- Harshit